An Abuse at the FairLast Saturday afternoon, I took a short trip to the Annual County Fair, just south of Boston, Massachusetts. It was an excellent offering with many different foods, and activities for children and adults alike. There were contests, races, small shows and different booths selling everything from cloaks to apple cider to live animals. At about half past three I was having some cider and enjoying a pig race when I heard a commotion coming from the other side of the fair. I approached the area where a crowd of people had already gathered. Apparently, a pair of redcoats had been jeered at by some of the locals and one local had been hit with the butt of a rifle. The crowd gathered to help the wounded man and were threatened by the redcoats with more violence. Until the British learn that they cannot patrol and hassle us this violence will continue and more innocent colonists will be wounded or killed. The fair might have become the scene of the second Boston Massacre! I left the fair disgusted and disappointed and what otherwise would have been a nice afternoon was ruined.