Drama (masks).gif (1295 bytes) Op-Ed


A Loyalist Speaks Out

Why should we, the colonies, be independent? We had it so well before we broke away from England. I was a wealthy loyalist landowner. I owned 300 acres of prime farmland which would provide for my family and leave us with plenty to sell. Now I live in a rathole. New York seized my property and split it up amongst other citizens. And why? Because I was a Loyalist.

I don’t want your pity or your condolences. I just want people to have a complete understanding of how it is to go from one oppressive government to another. I find it quite hypocritical for the citizens of New York to say that they did not want to be told what to do or what to grow, yet when they can play by their own rules, they strip the wealthy of their land.

I write this article only to speak my mind. What is done is in the past and that can’t be changed. This is only to inform everyone of one citizen’s complaint. If this is the way we are doomed to live I would rather live under the English rule.


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