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To Draft Or Not To Draft: That Is The Question

Deliberations continue in the Continental Congress, for the drafting of new constitutions for the colonies. What this means is that Congress is asking the colonies to be their own states, whose soveriegnty, would rest on the people.

If all goes well each colony should have its own new charter. What this means is that the state’s constitutions would be written documents, which would act as the fundamental laws of the state. These laws would be superior to any sort of transient whim of ordinary legislation. Though it is not definite, these constitutions would contain a bill of rights, which
would lay out long prized liberties against legislative encroachment.

Probably the most appealing aspect of all this, is the fact that there would be an annual election of legislators, keeping the government in tune with the sentiment of the people.

Next week will be the final meeting and a decision will be made: To draft or not to draft. That is the question.


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