Washington's Presidency: A Threat To The People's PowerWhat kind of people would fight to have both political and economical power placed in their own hands and would then give all their new found rights and freedoms to one supreme leader. Have they not learn from the past, what type of destruction occurs when all the power is placed in a stranger's hand? Surprisingly enough, many of our American brothers have not learned their lesson, and have traded their rights for a stronger central government. On the 30th day of April, our very own American brothers declared George Washington president, once again placing all the power in one man's hands. The hands of George Washington, a man who stands for the very thing that we have fought against, a strong centralized government. The idea alone, of choosing Washington as the leader, mocks our ancestors' struggle for freedom. Unfortunately, not too many of us realize how serious a threat, Washington's presidency is to our freedom. So caught up with the excitement and glory of the moment, these people forget to question what Washington's presidency would hold for the future. They watch with hopeful faces, as Washington steps onto the balcony and takes an oath to "persevere, protect and defend the Constitution....". Only concerned with the things that Washington promises to bring them, they fail to recognize the things that Washington intends to remove. My fellow Americans, I urge you to fight George Washington. Fight against his presidency and resist his attempts to establish a strong central government. Protect the one thing that is rightfully yours, the one thing that our ancestors fought so desperately to achieve, the one thing that we call freedom!!